In early twentieth century Montana, Colonel William Ludlow (Sir Anthony Hopkins) lives in the wilderness with his sons, Tristan (Brad Pitt), Alfred (Aidan Quinn), and...
Walt Longmire is the charismatic, dedicated and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka County. Widowed only a year, Longmire is a man in psychic repair that buries...
Airing on CBS from 1993-2001, this thrilling series stars Chuck Norris as martial artist/Texas lawman Cordell "Cord" Walker. Steeped in the traditions of his Native...
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It's the early 1960s Montana. With no family as support besides her in-laws with who she lives, widowed Lorna Blackledge marries Donnie Weboy primarily to...
Reclusive vampires lounge in a lonely American town. They wear sun cream to protect themselves. A descendant of Van Helsing arrives with hilarious consequences. Redeem...
During the mid-nineteenth century, Jeremiah Johnson, after a stint in the US Army, decides that he would prefer a life of solitude and more importantly...
Joe Kidd (Clint Eastwood) is a former bounty hunter and all-around tough-guy in the American southwest. When a band of Mexicans find their U.S. land...
An American soldier stationed in Rome with the Vatican blown up, embarks on a hero's journey to uncover and defend against an unknown enemy threatening...
A mysterious preacher (Clint Eastwood) protects a humble prospector village from a greedy mining company trying to encroach on their land. Redeem at Movies Anywhere...