Celebrated sleuth Hercule Poirot, now retired and living in self-imposed exile in Venice, reluctantly attends a Halloween séance at a decaying, haunted palazzo. When one...
In a crime-ridden future when overtaxed cops let murder and other crimes rule the streets one night a year, someone's knocking at James Sandin's door....
Soulmates Eric (Skarsgård) and Shelly (FKA twigs) are brutally murdered when the demons of Shelly's dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to...
In a crime-ridden future when overtaxed cops let murder and other crimes rule the streets one night a year, someone's knocking at James Sandin's door....
When he double-crosses a drug kingpin, Darkman must free himself of his remote-control clutches. Only Redeems at Movies Anywhere (RATED R) Director: Bradford May Writers:...
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New York police officer Ralph Sarchie (Eric Bana), struggling with his own personal issues, begins investigating a series of disturbing and inexplicable crimes. He joins...
Two criminals and their hostages unknowingly seek temporary refuge in a truck stop populated by vampires, with chaotic results. Redeem at Paramount (RATED TV-MA, R)...