After suffering an unspeakable tragedy, Lisa finds herself at a new school her senior year in 1989, struggling to fit in, despite her "sister" Taffy...
Universal Classic Monsters Icons of Horror Collection VUDU 4K or iTunes 4K via MA
This bundle includes the following 4 movies in 4K: Dracula (1931) Frankenstein (1931) The Invisible Man (1933) The Wolf Man (1941) You will receive one...
Redeem at VUDU Frankenstein's creature finds himself caught in an all-out, centuries-old war between two immortal clans. Director: Stuart Beattie Writers: Stuart Beattie, Kevin Grevioux,...
When Baron Boris von Frankenstein decides to retire from the monster-making business, he calls an international roster of monsters to a creepy convention to elect...
Redeem in iTunes Frankenstein's creature finds himself caught in an all-out, centuries-old war between two immortal clans. Director: Stuart Beattie Writers: Stuart Beattie, Kevin Grevioux,...