In this fourth series of the hell-raising Wishmaster, the Djinn unleashes his undying love and three wishes on a beautiful new victim named Lisa, whose...
Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the house, Lucy and friends William and...
An evil leprechaun finds himself in Las Vegas, where he proceeds to cause mischief by killing people, granting twisted wishes, and infecting a young man...
In Boston of 1691, a warlock is sentenced to death, but escapes magically into the future (our present), followed doggedly by the witch hunter. There...
In this sequel, a couple must use a portal through time to defeat evil. Redeem at (RATED R) Director: Anthony Hickox Writers: Anthony Hickox...
The fourth feature film by Eric Leiser, Apocalypsis is the third manifestation of a visionary trilogy of films that began with Imagination (2008) and Glitch...
After a group of teenagers indirectly cause an old witch to be burned, they accidently revive Pumpkinhead. This time Pumpkinhead is inhabited by the soul...
A college teacher brings the little creatures back to his campus, where they proceed to terrorize the faculty and students. Redeem at (RATED R)...