Left to rot in prison for the past thirteen years after the blood-drenched events in Re-Animator (1985) and Bride of Re-Animator (1990), the misunderstood virtuoso...
When a teenager has an accident with his motorcycle and vanishes, his teenager's friends, leaded by Charles' nephew, find that he was moved to Hybra-Tech....
Return of the Living Dead Rave to the Grave VUDU HD
In the Halloween, the DJ and Jenny's brother Jeremy organizes a rave party. Meanwhile, Julian, Jenny and Cody disclose that the drug transform the users...
An evil leprechaun finds himself in Las Vegas, where he proceeds to cause mischief by killing people, granting twisted wishes, and infecting a young man...
Reclusive vampires lounge in a lonely American town. They wear sun cream to protect themselves. A descendant of Van Helsing arrives with hilarious consequences. Redeem...
In this sequel, a couple must use a portal through time to defeat evil. Redeem at Movieredeem.com (RATED R) Director: Anthony Hickox Writers: Anthony Hickox...
18-year-old Pauline lives with her family, including younger sister Grace who has Cystic Fibrosis. Pauline has delusions of being a great surgeon, and she also...
A college teacher brings the little creatures back to his campus, where they proceed to terrorize the faculty and students. Redeem at Movieredeem.com (RATED R)...
A young boy living in 1950s suburbia suspects that his parents are cannibalistic murderers. Redeem at Movieredeem.com (RATED R) Director: Bob Balaban Writers: Christopher Hawthorne...