It is the 1980s, and fourteen year-old Filipa is spending her vacation at Búzios with her father, Mathias, her alcoholic mother, Clarice, and her two younger siblings in their beach house. When Filipa feels that the relationship of her parents is deteriorating, she snoops in her father's office. There she finds pictures of Mathias with his American lover Angela hidden in a drawer of his desk. When Mathias and Clarice announce to their children that they are not going to live together for a period, the confused Filipa believes that Angela is responsible for the separation of her parents, though she soon discovers that the marriage of Mathias and Clarice is built on a bed of lies.
Only Redeems at Movies Anywhere (RATED Not Rated)
Director: Heitor Dhalia
Writers: Heitor Dhalia, Vera Egito
Cast: Laura Neiva, Vincent Cassel, Camilla Belle, Izadora Armelin, Max Huszar, Débora Bloch,