Four horror and science fiction segments, directed by four famous directors, each of them being a new version of a classic story from Rod Serling's landmark television series.
Only Redeems at Movies Anywhere (RATED TV-MA, PG, TV-14, TV-PG)
Director: Joe Dante, John Landis, George Miller, Steven Spielberg
Writers: John Landis, George Clayton Johnson, Melissa Mathison, Richard Matheson
Cast: Dan Aykroyd, Albert Brooks, Vic Morrow, Doug McGrath, Charles Hallahan, Rainer Peets, Kai Wulff, Sue Dugan, Debby Porter, Steven Williams, Annette Claudier, Joseph Hieu, Al Leong, Stephen Bishop, Thomas Byrd, Vincent J. Isaac, Bill Taylor, William S. Taylor, Domingo Ambriz, Eddy Donno