An adaptation of Hinako Sugiura’s cult manga, a beautiful story revolving around O-Ei, daughter of master painter Hokusai. The director of the exquisite "Colorful" created this portrayal of a family and an age, the era of the city of Edo during the early 19th century. And it also fulfills a major challenge with flying colors: to turn the pictures by the author of "The Great Wave of Kanagawa" into animated images.
Directors: Keiichi Hara, Stephanie Sheh
Writers: Hinako Sugiura, Miho Maruo
Cast: Yutaka Matsushige, Anne Watanabe, Erica Lindbeck
Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of the nearby village having a happy time celebrating Christmas. So disguised as Santa Claus,...
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Damian Wayne is left alone at home while his father, Batman, goes out to help the Justice League on Christmas Eve, but ends up discovering...
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This bundle includes two movies for one code: A Christmas Story and A Christmas Story Christmas. One code will redeem both movies into your library...
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