In a futuristic Hong Kong, assassin Jack (Ryan Kwanten), crosses paths with a nightclub singer, April (Jillian Nguyen). As Jack becomes increasingly drawn to April his body mysteriously deteriorates. Jack tracks down reclusive life extension scientist Doctor Bergman (Hugo Weaving), in a search for answers. Doctor Bergman unearths Jack's long buried secret and is forced to confront his own murky past. As the net that connects them tightens, Jack and April struggle for love as they face their past in a loveless world that is on the cusp of immortality and extinction.
Redeem at (RATED R)
Director: Ivan Sen
Writers: Ivan Sen
Cast: Ryan Kwanten, David Field, Michael Chan, Franck Matour, Shinji Ikefuji, Shilah Sen, Jillian Nguyen, Andrew Ng, Hayden Yoon, Joscelina Do Rosario, Cate Tsui, Zeke Azzolini, Haru Fujiwara, Bianca Tsui, Maria Corpetti, Tong-Lok-Hei, David Vo, Sun Yu, Hugo Weaving, Rhamsy