After a group of teenagers indirectly cause an old witch to be burned, they accidently revive Pumpkinhead. This time Pumpkinhead is inhabited by the soul...
18-year-old Pauline lives with her family, including younger sister Grace who has Cystic Fibrosis. Pauline has delusions of being a great surgeon, and she also...
A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks late night commuters, ultimately butchering them...
A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks late night commuters, ultimately butchering them...
After all communication with a remote top secret U.S. military installation in Antarctica known as Ice Station Erebus is lost , Captain Sam Cage and...
A college teacher brings the little creatures back to his campus, where they proceed to terrorize the faculty and students. Redeem at (RATED R)...
A young boy living in 1950s suburbia suspects that his parents are cannibalistic murderers. Redeem at (RATED R) Director: Bob Balaban Writers: Christopher Hawthorne...